21 research outputs found

    Paper-based Verification Design of Trade Business License in Indonesia

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    The trade business license certificate (SIUP) is a paper-based license to conduct trade businesses in Indonesia issued by the government. Until today, there is no mechanism for verifying the validity of document unless to verify it manually. The current paper presents a design that allows paper-based verification of the printed trade business license. It aims to provide the verification mechanism and ensure the document validity. Our design implemented digital signature with QR Code image that placed into the document and the digital certificate issued by a certification authority (CA). The proposed scheme generated 442Bytes of data and version 14 of QR Code to scan easily by a reader device. The experimental result indicates that our scheme is easy and feasible to implement in Indonesia with guaranteed the document integrity, authentication, and nonrepudiation

    The Solution of Generalization of the First and Second Kind of Abelā€™s Integral Equation

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    Integral equations are equations in which the unknown function is found to be inside the integral sign. N. H. Abel used the integral equation to analyze the relationship between kinetic energy and potential energy in a falling object, expressed by two integral equations. This integral equation is called Abel's integral equation. Furthermore, these equations are developed to produce generalizations and further generalizations for each equation. This study aims to explain generalizations of the first and second kind of Abelā€™s integral equations, and to find solution for each equation. The method used to determine the solution of the equation is an analytical method, which includes Laplace transform, fractional calculus, and manipulation of equation. When the analytical approach cannot solve the equation, the solution will be determined by a numerical method, namely successive approximations. The results showed that the generalization of the first kind of Abelā€™s integral equation solution can be determined using the Laplace transform method, fractional calculus, and manipulation of equation. On the other hand, the generalization of the second kind of Abelā€™s integral equation solution is obtained from the Laplace transform method. Further generalization of the first kind of Abelā€™s integral equation solution can be obtained using manipulation of equation method. Further generalization of the second kind of Abelā€™s integral equation solution cannot be determined by analytical method, so a numerical method (successive approximations) is used.

    The degree of functions and weights in linear codes

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    AbstractProperties of the weight distribution of low-dimensional generalized Reedā€“Muller codes are used to obtain restrictions on the weight distribution of linear codes over arbitrary fields. These restrictions are used in non-existence proofs for ternary linear code with parameters [74,10,44] [82,6,53] and [96,6,62]

    Application of Recursive Algorithm on Shamir's Scheme Reconstruction for Cheating Detection and Identification

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    Information data protection is necessary to ward off and overcome various fraud attacks that may be encountered. A secret sharing scheme that implements cryptographic methods intends to maintain the security of confidential data by a group of trusted parties is the answer. In this paper, we choose the application of recursive algorithm on Shamir-based linear scheme as the primary method. In the secret reconstruction stage and since the beginning of the share distribution stage, these algorithms have been integrated by relying on a detection parameter to ensure that the secret value sought is valid. Although the obtained scheme will be much simpler because it utilizes the Vandermonde matrix structure, the security aspect of this scheme is not reduced. Indeed, it is supported by two detection parameters formulated from a recursive algorithm to detect cheating and identify the cheater(s). Therefore, this scheme is guaranteed to be unconditionally secure and has a high time efficiency (polynomial running time)


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    In this article, we derive simple formulations of the eigenvalues, determinants, and also the inverse of circulant matrices whose entries in the first row form an arithmetic sequence. The formulation of the determinant and inverse is based on elementary row and column operations transforming the matrix to an equivalent diagonal matrix so that the formulation is obtained easily. Meanwhile, for the eigenvalues formulation, we simplify the known result of formulation for the general circulant matrices by exploiting the properties of the cyclic group induced by the set of all roots of  as the set of points in the unit circle in the complex plane, and also by considering the specific property of arithmetic sequence. Then, we construct an algorithm for the eigenvalues formulation. This algorithm shows a better computation compared to the previously known result for the general case of circulant matrices


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    Matriks skew-circulant adalah matriks segi yang entri terakhir setiap baris berpindah ke posisi utama dan berganti tanda disertai pergeseran semua entri lainnya ke posisi berikutnya. Dalam artikel ini, entri dari matriks circulant berupa entri barisan bilangan geometri. Tujuannya adalah merumuskan suatu formulasi sederhana dari determinan, invers, dan nilai eigen dari suatu matriks skew circulant. Formulasi determinan ditentukan dengan menerapkan serangkaian operasi baris dasar dan kolom dasar sampai diperoleh matriks diagonal. Langkah untuk mencari invers dilakukan dengan mengadaptasi metode dalam mencari determinan dan ekuivalensi baris dan kolom pada matriks. Dalam mencari nilai eigen digunakan konsep akar kesatuan (roots of unity) dan subgrup siklik

    On the Explicit Formula for Eigenvalues, Determinant, and Inverse of Circulant Matrices

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    Determining eigenvalues, determinants, and inverse for a general matrix is computationally hard work, especially when the size of the matrix is large enough. But, if the matrix has a special type of entry, then there is an opportunity to make it much easier by giving its explicit formulation. In this article, we derive explicit formulas for determining eigenvalues, determinants, and inverses of circulant matrices with entries in the first row of those matrices in any formation of a sequence of numbers. The main method of our study is exploiting the circulant property of the matrix and associating it with cyclic group theory to get the results of the formulation. In every discussion of those concepts, we also present some computation remarks

    Teknik Penyembunyian Data Rahasia pada Berkas Gambar Digital Menggunakan Steganografi Least Significant Bit Variable-Size

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    Salah satu teknik pengamanan data dengan cara penyisipan informasi rahasia pada berkas gambar digital sebagai media penampung ialah steganografi berbasis least significant bit (LSB) dengan penambahan kemampuan penyisipan yang bersifat variable-size. Operasi teknik steganografi ini menggunakan tiga parameter, yaitu capacity evaluation untuk menentukan kapasitas maksimum LSB dari masing-masing pixel media penampung, minimum error replacement untuk memperkecil tingkat kesalahan saat penyisipan, dan improved grayscale compensation untuk memisahkan kesalahan penempelan agar tidak berdekatan pada tempat pixel bekerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengimplementasikan teknik tersebut untuk menyembunyikan data rahasia pada berkas gambar digital sebagai media penampung dan menghasilkan stego-image dengan kesamaan tampilan dan ukuran berkas. Berkas hasil penyisipan (stego-image) yang diperoleh diharapkan tidak menimbulkan kecurigaan pihak 'lawan', serta mampu memaksimumkan kapasitas penyisipan data rahasia, dengan memungkinkan penyisipan mencapai bit ke-5 dari LSB media penampung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa stego-image yang diperoleh secara visual memiliki tampilan hampir sama dengan media penampungnya dan kapasitas penyisipannya mencapai lebih dari 50% ukuran media penampungnya. Kapasitas ini diperoleh tanpa mempertimbangkan border dan jumlah bit data pada setiap pixel minimal berjumlah empat.Kata kunci: capacity evaluation, improved grayscale compensation, least significant bit variabel-size, steganograf


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    Metode konjugat gradien adalah salah satu metode yang efektif dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan optimasi tak-berkendala dan metode ini juga termasuk salah satu metode iteratif. Pada tulisan ini, peneliti mengusulkan metode konjugat gradien hibrid baru yaitu metode new hybrid 4 yang merupakan gabungan antara metode Hestenes dan Stiefel ā€“ Conjugate Descent, dimana metode tersebut diusulkan berdasarkan ide dari metode yang telah diusulkan sebelumnya yaitu metode Polak, Ribiѐre dan Polyak - Fletcher dan Reeves atau metode NH1, metode Hestenes dan Stiefel ā€“ Dai dan Yuan atau metode NH2 dan metode Liu dan Storey ā€“ Conjugate Descent (NH3). Peneliti mengusulkan metode tersebut dengan menggabungkan antara metode HS dan CD, dimana metode tersebut memiliki kekurangan masing-masing. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti membandingkan hasil numerik antara metode baru yaitu Metode HS-CD (NH4) dengan metode-metode sebelumnya serta membuktikan bahwa memenuhi sifat konvergen global dan memenuhi kondisi descent setiap iterasinya. Hasil numerik menunjukkan bahwa metode baru adalah sangat efisien dalam menyelesaikan fungsi nonlinear tak-berkendala. Metode tersebut juga terbukti memenuhi sifat konvergen global menggunakan kondisi Wolfe serta memenuhi kondisi descent di setiap iterasinya